door hanger with variable data

Why To Use Custom Door Hangers for Marketing Your Business

Custom door hangers printed with your company’s logo are a useful marketing tool for both start-up and established companies. Why? Door hangers attract attention, much like a real person knocking on the door. A direct, inexpensive, and efficient way to reach out to potential clients and advertise your business is with custom printed door hangers. Residents of your specified geographic area, who are your potential clients, view and interact with them.

Which Companies and Industries Use Door Hangers?

If we’re honest there’s not a specific answer to this question as the product can be suitable to any company. However below is a selection of the industries that are most likely to use door hangers.

  • Hospitality – hotels, B&B’s, hostels
  • Estate Agents
  • Restaurants
  • Insurance Companies
  • Landscaping
  • Services for self-care such hairdressers, spas, and personal trainers
  • Financial and banking services
  • Plus more!

How Can Door Hangers Help Me?

As a marketing tool, door hangers with custom printing have some advantageous qualities that are as follows:

1. It’s easy, straightforward, and reasonably priced.

Door hangers don’t need to be folded, stamped, or stuffed. As a result, they are more affordable than many other printed promotional materials. Once produced, they are simple to distribute to the desired communities.

2. Their visibility

Door hangers are kept separate from other mail in a pile. Everyone must open their front door even when there are lanes in order to receive packages, welcome guests, walk the dog, etc.

3. Their size

Door hangers’ size makes it possible to fit a lot of information on each one. In addition, both sides can be printed in full colour.

4. Their customisable 

You can get suggestions from Door Hanger Printing for colours, layout, and shape. There are numerous options available to make your door hanger reflect your company and attract potential consumers.

5. They can be seen and touched

The consumer sees, handles, reads, and even saves the real door hanger, leaving it with various impressions.

Increase Results

Define your target audience

Discover the demographics of the area you want to target first. Make sure to concentrate on areas where people are most likely to need your services. An apartment complex that prohibits dogs will not benefit from receiving door hangers from a pet daycare provider, for instance. High-end med spa treatment facilities may see greater outcomes in areas with more expensive housing.

Campaign goals

Create a list of restrictions and objectives next. Choose the number of door hangers you wish to hand out that are custom printed. Using the findings from statistics, set a target for your anticipated response rate. By doing so, you may assess the success of your campaign and make any necessary strategy changes for the following campaign cycle.

Choose your time period

Create a campaign that draws clients within a predetermined time frame to measure beginning and end. Offer a voucher, for instance, with a deadline.

Choose your design and style

Your door hanger’s style affects its effectiveness. Bold colours, huge headings, and straightforward language will make it easier for your audience to notice and read what you’re saying. Keep in mind to incorporate a call to action to aid in conversions. On the front and back, be sure to clearly show your contact details as well as the name of your company.

Tracking results

If the printed door hangers have special offer codes or specialised tracking phone lines, tracking answers is simple. You will be able to tell which campaign or neighbourhood a consumer is responding from when they phone or use an offer. In this manner, you will be able to calculate your response rate and assess the marketing campaign’s success when you study and think back on it.

By selecting a top-notch printer like Door Hanger Printing, you can be sure that the products you are dispersing are of high quality and effectively reflect your company. Utilizing a dependable printer will guarantee that your door hangers are completed on schedule. Our printing specialists can offer assistance with paper stocks, UV coating requirements, and budgeting. Door hangers with custom printing are an excellent and reasonably priced way to increase sales!

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